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Jan 28, 2011

Quote of the Day

Just had to record this one because we laughed so hard about it - and I haven't added a quote of the day for ages.

At Christmas Chase's sister Emily asked if potty mouth had started at our house. My answer was - NO? She then went on to explain her kids new obsessions with potty words such as 'poop'. Well it has now arrived. Cayden has started explaining his 'poop'. It started the other day after a proud "MOOOOOOMMMMMM!! Come Look!" - when I arrive on scene - "look mom - soup poop". The descriptions have continued but this one was hilarious:)

Only a mom can appreciate:)HA!

Jan 25, 2011


Last year at this time I blogged about our first trip to Las Vegas. I have just returned from another trip to Las Vegas - this time alone. A couple of weeks ago Chase and I went to Indianapolis for a conference and I had a great time, hardly had to work at the booth at all, spent a lot of time shopping and visiting with my new friend Monica, and ate great food. Then last week I was off to Vegas - which I dreaded because I thought I would be bored and lonely - instead I laughed my head off, ate great food (real chinese in China town practically every night), saw some great performances and worked my hiney off at the booth. Seriously, when I got home I slept from 2-6pm then went back to bed at 10 and slept until 9 the next morning. Anyone who has been to Vegas understands the amount of walking that is involved. We stayed only two hotels over from the conference and yet it still would take about 35-45 minutes to walk there - what the!!! Who designed this place? The great thing was - that even with all the great food I still lost another pound this week - yay! I had a great week! I am now in the thick of catching up on what was left behind for the week and preparing for the next conference. Toronto - next weekend - then Edmonton two weeks later then Toronto again two weeks later then Winnipeg, Edmonton, Toronto, AHHHHHH! What have I got myself into (I feel a bit like a movie star or something:)) Business is going well and hopefully we can quadrouple our sales this year (last year we doubled). Hopefully things continue well. Glad to be home.