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Jan 7, 2010


This week I have been in a slump. Feeling great because I have been reading my new 'triathlon bible' and running book and I even made out my training plan and my race schedule for this seaseon - and the big 1/2 IRONMAN is on the schedule - I can't believe it!!! - but still feeling in a slump - sad because it is so cold outside and I can't stand running when it is so cold, sad because I re-adjusted all my bike settings hoping it would relieve some of my butt pain while biking but no luck, and sad because my new training plan has way more swimming in it than last year and I am not sure how I am going to fit it in (still a while before blackstrap thaws). On a happy note I had a great swim workout last night (I swim at a neighbors house who have an endless pool in exchange for swimming lessons once a week - and the rest I try to fit into open water)and the pool was a whole 4 degrees C colder than normal so I was forced to get moving fast and I guess it woke me up for the rest of the workout. Anyhow, I feel like I should be more excited and moving and motivated, but I am tired, feeling lazy and feeling a little overwhelmed with work to get done. Any tips!??


Anonymous said...

Tips: start slow...try to make it fun...look for a training partner (any friends that are crazy enough to keep up to you? or put an ad on Kijiji). And most importantly, make sure the training schedule is flexible enough to ensure success. Don't feel like you have to do it every day, be realistic you've got two kids, a hubby in school, and a dog! I know that you will have a great season - you always impress me with your talents (be in your amazing artwork or your triathlons); plus with your passion for triathlons and fitness, you are pretty much destined for success! Janis

The Lawlor's said...

I have no tips, only congratulations for doing what you do! That's amazing and I think you deserve a day or two of being "lazy". Your lazy is probably my busy.

way to go.

Nicole Wendorff said...

Naomi, you asking advice from most of us is difficult because we are all so in awe of your motivation and drive that we're speechless or overwhelmed. Just the thought of a half marathon SIX MONTHS (aka half a year, in other words lots of time to train) seems overwhelming. You are amazing!!!